Saturday, January 31, 2009

Men in Skirts Summary

I want to begin this post by saying that it is NOT a "Family Friendly" site. I will repeat that later in the post, but it was never intended to be read by anyone under 18.

That being said, a few weeks ago, I wrote about men in skirts and how attractive I find it. In that post, I had a picture of one man who was lifting his Utilikit to show how the kilt (or skirt) is worn traditionally.

I was surprised at the stir over a man’s bottom, when we can see men’s bottoms in all sorts of other places – and I’m not referring to pornographic magazines. There are movies that allow men to be nude in the context of the story (in locker room scenes, for example), so I don’t know what the big deal is about it.

So two weeks ago, I opened it up for comments and in that post, I gave the one comment that created the fuss, but here it is again in case you don’t want to take time to read it on the original post.

(Editorial note: I have left punctuation and spelling on all of these comments as they were when they arrived. No attempt has been made to edit at all.)

Please tell me why you have to show off the mans backside?
For me - a man
that loves skirts instead of pants - this picture puts it all in a bad light and
pushes the thoughts of men in skirts as gay.
This is not an adult only site
and really shouldn't show such images.
The support to men in skirts is
harmed by this.

I want to print some of the comments I received here. They can be read in the “comment” section, but most people don’t bother to check there.

The first comment to come in said:
1. Showing off someone's buns is hardly "adults only," and doesn't this site say
for those over 18?
2. How does showing off someone's buns come across as
3. Wouldn't this actually be--statistically--more likely to be
attractive to women?
4. Even if it were to be construed as "gay," how does
that put men in skirts in a bad light?
5. Is gay bad?
6. Can only
straight men wear skirts?
7. And, finally...where's his sense of humor?????
Some comments came in via email so those were not designed to be public, but here are a couple more comments that present interesting perspectives.

as a skirt & kilt wearing male, i feel i have to address this.

first off: i'm 50, hetero, married with kids. i don't try to present myself as female, but many items of "female" clothing are fun. my co-workers have no doubts as to my preferences, but i don't push anything onto anybody.

now, the photo of that guy's butt? humorous but potentially offensive. this is YOUR forum/blog/whatever, so you can put on it what you wish. i wouldn't feel any different if it was a female butt of similar age & condition. i could do without it, thank you very much.

skirts being "gay"?

when was the last time you saw a gay man in a skirt? unless they are doing "drag" (and then they are in FULL female hootchie regalia) most men won't wear a skirt. gay or straight. if anything, gay men may be even more conservative in their clothing. many will avoid anything that might "out" them INADVERTANTLY.

incidently, the flashing of one's butt is fairly common amongst kilt-wearers. going "regimental" (no underwear) is one of the points some would say is actually required of kilting. flashing becomes a humorous punctuation to some conversations or situations.
One comment:

I was surprised at the reaction of [Imadude] to the picture of a mans bum! and the assumption that because a guy is showing his backside he must be gay. This is almost as presumptive as those who think a man in a skirt must be gay. Some are, some ain't. it is a simple as that. Anyway, what if he is gay? How does that do a diservice to the cause?
I am sorry but I have to disagree with the inference that it puts us male skirt wearers in a bad light. A regular drunken saturday night prank here in the town centres is for "straight macho" guys to wave their bums at the security cameras, If you suggested to them they were gay, you would be on your way to casualty!.
There is an image of The kilted colour sergeant with his kilt blown up and his bum on show for all the world to see, all over the web, Has he suddenly put back our cause? or turned gay?.
I see you say you are a fellow wearer of skirts, and for that I applaud you, we need more men to try them and be seen wearing them and then perhaps western society will be more accepting of us.
As for adult content, apart from the fact that we all have a bum and we have all seen a bum, so I would hardly rate that as adult content, if you look at the links on the side bars, going to such things as spanking and female stimulation, then a bare bottom should not come as a surprise.
Then another:

After posting thoughts on the comment by "Im a dube", I began to think some more about the assertion that the picture of a guys backside was showing men in skirts, in a bad light.
Then it occured to me, that I had signed mine as anonymous, mainly because I am not a registered user of this system. So I have come to the decision that what could put us in a bad light is the pseudonyms, Handles, Nicknames etc. WHAT are we trying to hide?
Secrecy is the problem. Tell the world you wear a skirt sometimes.
The more that do, the more mainstream it will be.
So the earlier post signed Radiostar, is by me, My name is Tim Stannard and I live in the north of England, sometimes on a warm summers day, I will wear a skirt, or a Sarong, I own two Utilikilts. So instead of critisising from behind the fence,Stand up and be counted.
Tim aka Radiostar
Here is what Fanny’s site states at the top. You can read it, of course, but let me repeat it here:

This blog is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. It contains no pictures of nudity, only words of advice and encouragement to adults who seek information. If you are under 18, please go play somewhere else.
I do not consider a glimpse of a bum to be pornographic. I had the gentleman’s consent to show this particular photo, and I did not show his face, at his request. I made no lewd remarks about the view, but suggested that a cold wind might flip up the kilt and make it uncomfortable when worn the way it is designed to be worn.

Wearing skirts has nothing to do with being gay, just as wearing trousers does not make me a lesbian. It is more comfortable for me to wear long pants, especially when I teach. If a skirt is more comfortable for a man, I see no reason for him not to wear one. His anatomy lends itself more to a skirt anyway, in case no one has noticed!

There is nothing at all that says “gay” to me when a man wears a skirt. And so what if he is gay? Skirts for men are cultural, worn by many more people than the Scots. I agree with the gentleman who asked “Where’s his sense of humor?”

If all anyone saw was the bare bum, then the point of the post was missed entirely. I still think a man wearing a skirt can be sexy and attractive. I’d love to hear from other women about this – not just the men!

One person wrote “Up with kilts! Down with Trousers!” I’ll go for that! (big wink)

I blow you a kiss ~ ~ ~

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Evolution of a Word

The dictionary defines a fetish as any object that superstitious people believe to have magical powers. For some, this could be a rabbit’s foot on their key chain, or a penny in your shoe. Some people hang their fetish on the rear-view mirror of their car.

Perhaps one of my earliest recollections of an object being a fetish was during my years of living in Alaska. I was given a little carved bear made with either walrus tusk or whale bone – both of which would be politically incorrect today. But this was in the early 60s and the protection law didn’t come into being until a decade later.

Although the bear fetish is more commonly thought of with the Zuni, many tribes also have a bear fetish. Since I was given one in Alaska, and the Alaskan Brown Bear is such a big item (literally), I imagine the Native Alaskan tribes also have a bear fetish.

Another definition of fetish comes from the field of psychiatry (ahem). For the shrinks, this refers to any object that is basically non-sexual, but that is thought to be sexually arousing to some. This is supposed to include such objects as smelly feet, leather gloves, ears, or some such item. I have nothing against people who have this fetish, but it’s not something that I can relate to personally.

Yet a third definition of fetish refers to any activity or object to which we are abnormally and irrationally devoted, “to make a fetish of sports.”


How about SEX? Does that fit into the category of sports?

This particular definition of fetish probably comes closer to what we think of in our more modern screwy sexual milieu. Today the word moves us away from carved bears toward the kinky, and includes a world of activities, clothing, lifestyles, entertainment, and more. You can find all sorts of websites devoted to your particular interests.

One site that I highly recommend is Fetlife, a free social network of people of like minds. You can find a group for whichever fetish flips your skirt. If you join, tell them Fanny Lucette sent you. No, I don’t own it, nor do I get anything out of it. I just know some people who are involved in the workings of it and who would welcome your participation.

It seems to me that psychiatry needs to take a fresh look at fetishism, one that is not so punitive or judgmental.

What do you think?

Monday, January 19, 2009

More about Men in Skirts

Dear Friends of Fanny:

Over a week ago, I posted an article on men wearing skirts and how much I like them. I’ve received several comments, both by email and to be posted on the blog. I suggest you click and read the comments that have been posted.

I just received a comment from someone that I’m including here, rather than in the comment section. I will reserve my own comments until some of you have had a chance to respond to this.

Here is this person’s comment:
Please tell me why you have to show off the man’s backside?
For me - a man that loves skirts instead of pants - this picture puts it all in a bad light and pushes the thoughts of men in skirts as gay.
This is not an adult only site and really shouldn't show such images.
The support to men in skirts is harmed by this.

I am very interested to see what some of you other men (and women) think of this. Please send me your comments.

I blow you a kiss ~ ~ ~

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Second Oldest Profession

That’s right! Prostitution is not the oldest profession in the world, no matter what people say.

So what’s the oldest??

Farming! Read your Bible if you don’t believe me!

So if farmers are being taken care of by the government and are protected, why aren’t the “working girls” also protected? Is it because there is a stigma attached to prostitution that is not attached to farming?

The sex industry has many needs, beginning with health. I’m not the first and certainly won’t be the last to rail against the discrimination in our country. Other countries require health exams and take good care of the ladies of the night.

Many need treatment for abuse of alcohol and other drugs. They need to be able to have an insurance that helps to pay for such things, as well as access to counseling.

They need legal protection instead of harassment. There is a relevant article that was posted on about violence against sex workers. No one seems to care if a prostitute is beaten, robbed, or even murdered.

Someone told me of a female Episcopal priest who took a white tablecloth, candles, and a full meal down to Waikiki one Christmas Eve. She put the cloth over a garbage bin and served the women who were working the streets that night. That kind of caring is rare.

Sex is something we all need. It is a vital and natural part of our lives. For those who have no partner, what is wrong with paying someone for the illusion of love, just for a short while? This goes for women as well as men. But it’s as though even loving or doing something that natural becomes the forbidden act. It suddenly becomes naughty if you pay for it, or do “it” with someone you shouldn’t.

Sometimes I think married women are nothing more than prostitutes. They stay home and clean, care for children, and are expected to be available for sex whenever the husband wants it. They are paid by being given a home and a “name.” At least they are considered righteous and deserving, but often with as little legal protection and rights as a prostitute.

I remember finding a slip of paper for sale in a Tombstone AZ store that was a copy of an old “permit” to be a prostitute. Several of us who were wives took them home and put them up on our kitchen wall. Our husbands didn’t appreciate it one bit.

I think perhaps husbands can feel prostituted, as well. They work to provide a home and income, and in return they are granted a bit of sexual pleasure.

So who are the advocates for the sex workers? Men don’t speak up for fear of being accused of … what? Frequenting brothels? Having caught a disease? Women don’t speak up for them because “it just isn’t the right thing to do.”

Who then will speak up for them?

There is a poem written by Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) who was a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp. He writes about our political apathy until finally there is no one left to speak up for us.

No, I am not a prostitute. It is not a life I choose. So why should I be standing up for them? I have always been an advocate for those who needed me to be – the gays, the lesbians, the blacks, the poor, the children. I could go on and on. Like Niemöller, I must ask, “who will be there for me when I need it?”

This has rambled, I’m afraid, but I hope you understand my intent. Even in hard economic times, sex is something we all need – perhaps even more so, if we are to have that fleeting feeling of belonging and love, even if we have to pay for it.

I blow you a kiss ~ ~ ~

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Men in Skirts

I don’t know how to say this, but I think men in skirts are gorgeous! Is it because men question the loss of their masculinity that the style hasn’t caught on? Come on, guys – give it a try! From what I’ve read, I’m not the only woman (or man) who loves seeing men in skirts. Just think what the possibilities might be!

Some of the best looking and most masculine looking men wear a sarong or pareu in an area of the world where I spend much of my time. There are also many Tongan communities here, too, where the Tongan men wear a wraparound skirt (called a tupenu) that comes mid-thigh. It is extremely sexy!

There is an absolutely wonderful website speaking out for men who wear skirts out of the UK Please go there and look through his slide show, his guest book, and whatever else flips your skirt.

A good article in New York magazine (July 2008) about “men’s lib” around the wearing of skirts can be found here, complete with a few pictures. Another good online resource is Menstuff, and Burda Style has a very encouraging site.

Even though I consider myself to be very feminine, I seldom wear dresses. I much prefer pants or trousers, or whatever you want to call them. It’s too bad that certain styles of clothing seem to be socially acceptable for only one gender or the other. I am old enough to remember when long pants were totally unacceptable for women.

I love skirts for their comfort. In hot, muggy weather, a pair of jean, or even shorts, can be hot against your legs. There are disadvantages to skirts for both men and women, of course. For example, the same breeze that cools you in summer can be a cold breeze blowing up your skirt - most uncomfortable, especially when the skirt is worn like this.

The front, with skirt down, is the view most of us will see, however – and a very nice view it is!

By the way, if you are interested in buying one of these Utilikilts, check out their website for a wide variety of skirts for men. The site has what they call “Mock-u-mercials,” vid clips made by men who wear them. They are fun to watch.

If anyone wants to send me their own picture wearing a skirt, or the picture of your favorite guy in a skirt, I’ll post it here.

I blow you a kiss ~ ~ ~

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Too Much of a Good Thing?

Was there ever a time when you had too much of a good thing? I’m talking about sex here, of course.

There are times when we think we’ll never get enough, that we will never have too much of this enjoyable thing in our lives that has the ability to turn us upside down.

But this question keeps popping up from time to time, and I’ve been wondering about it, as well.

So if you can remember a time when it felt like too much of a good thing, what did it feel like? What was going on? Was it when you were playing with a toy or was it something you were doing with another human being? Maybe it was just a fantasy? What was it?

I want to know if it spoiled you for the next time or for other people.
If you have experienced this “too much” phenomenon, is it something you’d like to experience again? How soon do you think you might have that experience again? Would you even want to?

Or was this a once in a lifetime event?

Personally, I’ve never had this experience. I mostly seem to be left wanting more. That has nothing to do with the person I’m with, just my own needs to keep that satisfied feeling going as long as possible. Because I am a multi-orgasmic woman, there have been times when I’ve been taken to the point of exhaustion, but I would never consider it “too much of a good thing.”

Talk to me about this subject of too much good sex. Is it even possible?

I blow you a kiss ~ ~ ~

Thursday, January 1, 2009


May all your fantasies be naughty
May all your lovers be