Saturday, June 7, 2014


So many reasons (excuses?) are being made about why mass shootings continue.

We blame it on “white privilege.” Yes, there is a certain amount of that, I know, but not everyone who claims racial superiority is a killer.

We blame it on “mental illness.” Yes, mental illness often enters into someone’s need to go out and kill a lot of people, but not all mentally ill people grab a gun.

We blame it on “misogyny.” Yes, unfortunately, we still have too much of that present in this world, but not all misogynists are out to kill masses of people.

Sometimes we blame it on “broken homes.” My four children are from a broken home, but all are loving, productive, and outstanding citizens of the world.

What or who else can we blame? Why don’t we start by taking back our responsibility as parents?

Once upon a time, children were given strict rules to follow, and even stricter discipline ensued if those rules were broken. I doubt if many of us will ever forget being turned over a knee for a good spanking, nor will we forget the sounds of a belt being pulled off.

Then along came Dr. Benjamin Spock. Because I agreed with most of what he said, my own children were raised by Spock’s suggestion that we become "more flexible and affectionate" with our children. Nothing wrong with that!

But too many parents took his words to mean that they should never discipline their children or teach right from wrong. It became "let them do whatever they want to do." Responsibility as a parent was abdicated and today we see the results.

If we feel rejected, then lets go kill that person and everybody else in addition! 

If guns make us look like a man, then lets use them - and get bigger guns than anyone else!

If we want everyone to be like us, then lets get rid of those who aren't! 

After all, Dr. Spock told our parents that it's okay to do whatever we feel like doing, and our conscience will stay clear.

I'm not trying to be simplistic, but why not add my own reasons for the mass killings to the list? I keep thinking about this, so I may not entirely be finished with my rant. All I can say is this - when you have children, take full responsibility before you let them out into the world.

I blow you a kiss!