I don’t know how to say this, but I think men in skirts are gorgeous! Is it because men question the loss of their masculinity that the style hasn’t caught on? Come on, guys – give it a try! From what I’ve read, I’m not the only woman (or man) who loves seeing men in skirts. Just think what the possibilities might be!
Some of the best looking and most masculine looking men wear a sarong or pareu in an area of the world where I spend much of my time. There are also many Tongan communities here, too, where the Tongan men wear a wraparound skirt (called a tupenu) that comes mid-thigh. It is extremely sexy!
There is an absolutely wonderful website speaking out for men who wear skirts out of the UK Please go there and look through his slide show, his guest book, and whatever else flips your skirt.
A good article in New York magazine (July 2008) about “men’s lib” around the wearing of skirts can be found here, complete with a few pictures. Another good online resource is Menstuff, and Burda Style has a very encouraging site.
Even though I consider myself to be very feminine, I seldom wear dresses. I much prefer pants or trousers, or whatever you want to call them. It’s too bad that certain styles of clothing seem to be socially acceptable for only one gender or the other. I am old enough to remember when long pants were totally unacceptable for women.
I love skirts for their comfort. In hot, muggy weather, a pair of jean, or even shorts, can be hot against your legs. There are disadvantages to skirts for both men and women, of course. For example, the same breeze that cools you in summer can be a cold breeze blowing up your skirt - most uncomfortable, especially when the skirt is worn like this.

The front, with skirt down, is the view most of us will see, however – and a very nice view it is!

By the way, if you are interested in buying one of these Utilikilts, check out their website for a wide variety of skirts for men. The site has what they call “Mock-u-mercials,” vid clips made by men who wear them. They are fun to watch.
If anyone wants to send me their own picture wearing a skirt, or the picture of your favorite guy in a skirt, I’ll post it here.
I blow you a kiss ~ ~ ~
Down with trousers! Up with kilts!
Great post, Fanny!
I have a blog too. meninmugs.blogspot.com
MUG = Male Unbifurcated Garment = skirt type garment
Bifurcated = 2 holes for 2 legs ie: trousers
Unbifurcated = 1 hole for 2 legs ie: skirted garment = skirt or kilt.
I have a forum for masculine men in skirts or/and kilts.
I looked at both of the sites one commenter made and they are appropriate. I suggest you go to the forum to chat with like-minded men.
Please tell me why you have to show off the mans backside?
For me - a man that loves skirts instead of pants - this picture puts it all in a bad light and pushes the thoughts of men in skirts as gay.
This is not an adult only site and really shouldn't show such images.
The support to men in skirts is harmed by this.
I was surprised at the reaction of [Imadude] to the picture of a mans bum! and the assumption that because a guy is showing his backside he must be gay. This is almost as presumptive as those who think a man in a skirt must be gay. Some are, some ain't. it is a simple as that. Anyway, what if he is gay? How does that do a diservice to the cause?
I am sorry but I have to disagree with the inference that it puts us male skirt wearers in a bad light. A regular drunken saturday night prank here in the town centres is for "straight macho" guys to wave their bums at the security cameras, If you suggested to them they were gay, you would be on your way to casualty!.
There is an image of The kilted colour sergeant with his kilt blown up and his bum on show for all the world to see, all over the web, Has he suddenly put back our cause? or turned gay?.
I see you say you are a fellow wearer of skirts, and for that I applaud you, we need more men to try them and be seen wearing them and then perhaps western society will be more accepting of us.
As for adult content, apart from the fact that we all have a bum and we have all seen a bum, so I would hardly rate that as adult content, if you look at the links on the side bars, going to such things as spanking and female stimulation, then a bare bottom should not come as a surprise.
After posting thoughts on the comment by "Im a dube", I began to think some more about the assertion that the picture of a guys backside was showing men in skirts, in a bad light.
Then it occured to me, that I had signed mine as anonymous, mainly because I am not a registered user of this system. So I have come to the decision that what could put us in a bad light is the pseudonyms, Handles, Nicknames etc. WHAT are we trying to hide?
Secrecy is the problem. Tell the world you wear a skirt sometimes.
The more that do, the more mainstream it will be.
So the earlier post signed Radiostar, is by me, My name is Tim Stannard and I live in the north of England, sometimes on a warm summers day, I will wear a skirt, or a Sarong, I own two Utilikilts. So instead of critisising from behind the fence,Stand up and be counted.
Tim aka Radiostar
The blog isn't bad really, one of the many that I believe is being started by women who think men in skirts should be as accepted as women in skirts.
The thing I didn't really like thought was the bum in the blog. I and most people that I know wear something under their clothes to keep parts from being shown to everyone. Just seems a bit off the subject of what you're trying to promote, which might hurt the cause.
I am a skirt wearer, currently at my home and yard - You have to live in US, TN, Tobacco country to understand the limits.
MY Concern is that we should not be putting "sexually explicit" content on sites that are used to promote skirt wearing men.
WHY do you need to put your bodies private parts on display? Are you sure you want people to think skirt wearing men are only in it for the sex, porn, or anything of that light.
POST ONLY family friendly content and images, do not try to use female icons as avatars, and leave the skin in the bed room.
Gee guys, it's just buttocks, it's not the "other" side. It's not anything a child hasn't seen on his "dad" in the shower. It's not like the kilt wearer was intentionally showing anything, the wind blew his kilt up...He's not got his hands back there stretching his buttocks open. There's nothing risque there. My goodness, are we still acting as Puritans? Anyone seen in a bikini swim suit at the public beach shows a more risque view, and no one bats an eye at that. Skip Fraser - owner of http://skipscafe.myfreeforum.org/index.php?c=1
A manly men in kilts and skirts website and forum.
Thank you for your comment, Skip! I thought maybe the furor had died down but evidently I managed to rile a few guys. I still say I like seeing a man in skirt, or kilt, or whatever you want to call it. My site is not a family site, but as you say, what child hasn't seen their dad around the house or coming out of a shower. I think we lost the original meaning of my post. I appreciate your thoughts!!
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