Was there ever a time when you had too much of a good thing? I’m talking about sex here, of course.
There are times when we think we’ll never get enough, that we will never have too much of this enjoyable thing in our lives that has the ability to turn us upside down.
But this question keeps popping up from time to time, and I’ve been wondering about it, as well.
So if you can remember a time when it felt like too much of a good thing, what did it feel like? What was going on? Was it when you were playing with a toy or was it something you were doing with another human being? Maybe it was just a fantasy? What was it?
I want to know if it spoiled you for the next time or for other people.
If you have experienced this “too much” phenomenon, is it something you’d like to experience again? How soon do you think you might have that experience again? Would you even want to?
Or was this a once in a lifetime event?
Personally, I’ve never had this experience. I mostly seem to be left wanting more. That has nothing to do with the person I’m with, just my own needs to keep that satisfied feeling going as long as possible. Because I am a multi-orgasmic woman, there have been times when I’ve been taken to the point of exhaustion, but I would never consider it “too much of a good thing.”
Talk to me about this subject of too much good sex. Is it even possible?
I blow you a kiss ~ ~ ~
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