Today is my birthday! No, I’m not going to tell you how old I am, but I can bet my bottom. . . uh, dollar I’m older than you!
So on my birthday, I’d like to indulge in fantasy. This time, my fantasies are not about what sort of kinky thing I’m going to do either with someone else or alone.
This time, my fantasies are about kinky places I’d like to live.
Fantasies are like this golden glow on Lake Powell at sunset. They are real, but illusive and often fleeting. Maybe someday one of my fantasies will come true – and I don’t think I’d be there alone!
My brother and I can talk about almost anything – and we do. He came up with a wonderful mini-proposal for a nude farming polyamorous co-op. Let’s see, does that mean we’d all run around in the nude, planting potatoes and feeding the chickens, having more than one lover? I haven’t quite figured out how the co-op part fits in, but I imagine he’ll explain it to me.
How about a surfing diaper-lover organic restaurant? All the surfer dudes and dudettes would be wearing organic cotton diapers while they serve homegrown food to patrons.
Or an S/m peacenik orchard? The highway sign would sport a body tied to a cherry tree (a bit of symbolism there, huh?) while the locals wave peace signs at passers-by and invite them in to sample the . . . um. . . fruit.
Maybe an island bar for aging Scots? All the old folks (male and female) wear kilts in the traditional style while they drink and cavort around the island.
There should be a retreat location created for cross-dressing fetishist dog trainers. (Don’t ask.)
Or perhaps a Greek-style swingers health spa? We would all have Greek-style sex with other members while we wait our turn for a healthy colon cleansing in the sunning booth, drinking ginger tea.
I suspect there are many who would go for a thong orgy golf course. There would be a country club connected to it for special dances and parties when the awards were given out for the most revealing thong, as well as the lowest golf score.
Someone might enjoy a fantasy community with a public spanking bench where folks of either gender are disciplined by the Head of their Household and others who choose to help with the administration.
When choosing the nursing home for my old age, I’d like to be cared for by nude and virile young men and women of all sizes and shapes. If I got bored with the TV reruns, I would have them perform for me.
I’ve often thought about establishing a Home for Broken Down Broads. Aging prostitutes and dirty old men and women could gather for fun and games. Payment for “services” could be with Monopoly money so that those of us on Social Security could afford it.
There is definitely a place for a village where everyone could play whatever role they wanted – Doctor/patient, Daddy/little girl, Policeman/jaywalker, Teacher/student – all dressed their part. An endless list of role playing!
In any of these neighborhoods we would need to make sure there was an adult toy store, a porn movie house, a fetish clothing shop, and an animal shelter. All of these sites would give us access to horse-back riding, fresh milk and eggs, and plenty of farming areas. We would need to be self-sufficient, because an outside world would either avoid us completely, send local authorities after us, or beat a path to our door for entrance.
Please, please let your imaginations run wild and send me your suggestions. I’ll do whatever I can to make your fantasies come true – at least on this blog!
In the meantime, please support the National Coalition of Sexual Freedom. We all are being fingered (so to speak) for sexual acts far more benign than the fantasies I’ve created here.
I blow you a kiss,