Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Current Issue

As I write this blog for posting tonight, I want to remind you to vote in the Primary Election! I voted early this morning, and out of that exercise came this particular post. Some people may think I have no business getting political in a blog about sex matters, but in this case, it’s time we understand how closely the two are related. I’m feeling it at a gut level.

I’m disgusted with the hype around “the current issue” and her family. I won’t dwell on it, because I don’t want to give her that much energy or time. I do suggest that you read blogs that go into it quite well. I won’t add to the numbers, but I encourage you to be a critical thinker in this election.

So in that spirit, I offer you several links. Please read them! Most relate to our interest in sex and sexuality in some tangential way. No matter which political party you support, the “current issue” must surely be against what we sexophiles stand for – freedom.

Greta Christina writes a wonderful blog on sex toys and issues. I highly recommend one of her recent posts. After you read that, you may want to subscribe for the latest and greatest in toys (fanning myself here).

An article on indirectly relates to my current issue. Margot Canaday of The Nation talks about how the sodomy laws came into being. It was not about being gay or lesbian, but about any act that was not for procreation. That seems to come under the heading of “no form of birth control for teens,” doesn’t it?

Three years ago, The Salon initiated a blog called “The Broadsheet.” It reminds me that gender is political. There is usually one “WTF” post, and recently there has been a regular comment on “The Daily Palin.” Their last issue had an exceptionally good read by Sarah Hepola.

Some of the issues surrounding the Republican Vice-Presidential candidate would be funny, if they weren’t so scary. This article comes from, a blog on environment, health, science, and technology. It describes the “Rubber Dodo” award given to the woman who is “the current issue.” (At first, I read that as Rubber Dildo! You can tell where my mind is!) No one deserves that award as much as Sarah.

I think the entire world must think the U.S. is nuts! Here is an article from, a news network out of Australia that presents socially conscious news.

Let’s take a quick break from all this insanity and have a really good belly laugh!

Now back to “the current issue.” Visit and click on "Palin reality check" for a truly great story. But hurry! It might be taken off the web in the great cover-up.

Two of my favorite authors and columnists are Anne Lamott and Garrison Keillor. Both have written excellent articles on “the current issue” that were published in The Salon. Keillor’s tongue-in-cheek comments are particularly wonderful.

Lamott’s article expresses my feelings exactly. I’ll conclude this post by saying I agree with her comments below the title of the article.

She says, “How to handle the fury brought on by this election? Register voters, hit the streets, pray. Stop talking about her. Talk about Obama.”

So I promise this is the last time you’ll hear me rant on about “the current issue.”

Zipping my lip!


Anonymous said...

It is curious how much time is spent on Gov Palin. She's a far right conservative... whereas Biden is a far left liberal. The *only* actual moderate in the race is John McCain (despite the spin that tries to say otherwise).

Anyway... personally think Palin would be great fun to spank. Joe Biden... hmmm... maybe not so much.

Todd and Suzy

Fanny said...

Thanks for the comment, Todd and Suzy! I enjoy your site regularly. I agree that Palin is very spankable! Maybe Biden will spank her, ya think? Or maybe McCain does already. Lots of possibilities.