After thirty posts, I’ve noticed a trend in who reads these posts, and how people respond. Therefore (tah dah!) I’m heading in a little different direction. Because I get most of my responses via email, I get very few public comments on the post itself. That’s just fine, except that I think other people would also enjoy knowing what is being said by uh…other people. (big eye roll here)
Also, I started this mostly as an “advice” blog, but advice is appropriate mostly for my college students. They bombard me with questions, which I love answering. They are so eager to learn, but not about sex per se.
They are curious about what’s right, what’s not so right, how far can they go in being “perverted,” how to let someone know they are interested without being considered “brazen” or too forward. They want to know how to handle a boyfriend or girlfriend who either wants too much sex or not enough. They ask questions about breast implant, and why a young guy can lose an erection so quickly.
You know the sort of things they ask! We’ve all been there, and maybe we still are. Even at my age, it’s hard to know the best way to let someone know they turn me on! But I’m also extremely shy, which is probably why I feel I can open up more online.
So maybe this is a good place to ask how my readers would answer some of these questions.
At times, I might give you my own thoughts about the topic, then open it up each week to those of you who come here regularly (or irregularly). At other times, I may simply ask the question and see where it goes, then comment afterward.
What you have to say here will also help my students in their quest for answers. For example, even though many of them have already been sexually active from an early age, they want to know if they are unique or if they are about average.
So my question for the week is this: At what age did you lose your virginity, and was the experience traumatic or pleasurable? Any other comments you want to add to this will be appreciated by some very randy boys and girls in my classes.
Your responses will be kept anonymous, so please let me know how you want your comments to be marked. I will compile the answers and give a report. If you don’t say anything, I won’t have anything to report, so please show us your best answers.
I blow you a kiss,
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