Last week, I talked about “Geriatric Sex” and received some interesting emails about it. I’ve been given permission to share these with you.
One comment comes from a man in Florida. He says:
"According to my urologist, the older men get, they seem to require oral sex (fellatio) from their partner not only to get an erection, but to keep it.
"Getting an erection is not as hard for us older men, as keeping it sufficiently for penetration into the vagina or if there is penetration, it's still important to keep an erection long enough to have satisfactory coitus and that's not so easy for us older men. Viagra, Levitra and Cialis help, of course, but not always.
"There is, of course, lots of good sex that does not necessarily need vaginal sexual intercourse and yet, Fanny, for a man, it's important, psychologically to be able to perform it; and that's true even if the man is receiving fellatio from his partner."
From another email:
"I imagine you can figure out that I think women who are older than I am are truly sexy and enticing. And I love intelligent women. I am mostly through with much of my kinky times (I don't have anyone with whom to engage in such stuff) but it's still interesting to look at some of the sites." [Was he talking about me and my blog site??]
And I received a little poem:
"The kink that was in me seems to be spent
Since my get-up and go, just got up and went
It might be dear Fanny, that you are much older
But you and your friend are considerably bolder
Yet maybe one day, I shall have me some luck
And meet a wild woman to give my whatchit a suck.
Or perhaps, it'll turn out to be a long time
And I think that it's best that I just end this rhyme."
I imagine many older men (and women) feel much the same way. My response is that no one should EVER be "through" with kinky times. I suspect I'm much older than most of you reading this blog (and so is my lover) and we are both still kinky. Having someone to do kink with is key, I think. If you think you’re too old, maybe it's time you found someone to suck on your “whatchit” and get you back into kink!
Sucking a “whatchit” goes both ways, don’t forget!
Others reminded me of the article in The Salon a couple of years ago by Liz Langley about sex and the much older generation. I’ve kept that article in my files ever since it came out and I use it with my college class on human sexuality. The “over 50” population is one of the most rapidly growing in the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
WHY, you may ask (especially if you are way under 50)?
Well, there are several reasons. Old guys who couldn’t keep it up before, even if they could get it up to begin with, have suddenly been given the wonders of the “little pill” to help out. Now they are running around the nursing homes or the “Gray Ghetto” neighborhoods and having a barrel of fun. A lot of them are finding healthy younger women who want a Sugar Daddy. Both men and women think they are immune from what they consider a “gay disease,” or that they are too old.
There is another reason for an increase in AIDS in older folks. Most men and women who love people of the same gender have had to keep quiet about their sexual preference and suddenly it is not such a taboo topic. They are able to be open about their sexuality – and act upon it.
As Ms. Langley quoted in her article, “Now, if you can get it up, cover it up.” (Said by Jane Fowler in reference to Bob Dole and his ads for Viagra.) It is imperative for even the geriatric set to learn the necessity of using a condom.
As Ice T said, “AIDS is such a scary thing and it's also the kind of thing that you think won't happen to you. It can happen to you and it's deadly serious.”
There is one quote that absolutely fries my groin and that comes from the late Jerry Falwell. “AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals.”
I agree with Calvin Klein more, when he said “AIDS is an absolutely tragic disease. The argument about AIDS' being some kind of divine retribution is crap.”
Perhaps Susan Sontag sums it up best of all: “AIDS obliges people to think of sex as having, possibly, the direst consequences: suicide. Or murder."
I end with this plea. On December 1, World AIDS Day, urge President-elect Obama to continue to fund HIV/AIDS programs. So go to this site and sign the petition, please.
There is one quote that absolutely fries my groin and that comes from the late Jerry Falwell. “AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals.”
I agree with Calvin Klein more, when he said “AIDS is an absolutely tragic disease. The argument about AIDS' being some kind of divine retribution is crap.”
Perhaps Susan Sontag sums it up best of all: “AIDS obliges people to think of sex as having, possibly, the direst consequences: suicide. Or murder."
I end with this plea. On December 1, World AIDS Day, urge President-elect Obama to continue to fund HIV/AIDS programs. So go to this site and sign the petition, please.
I blow you a kiss ~ ~ ~ ~
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