I wanted to do something special for Halloween, but I’m writing this on November 1, All Saints’ Day, and you’ll probably read it on November 2. Each of these festival days can be wrapped up together in Samhain (pronounced SOW-in, where “ow” rhymes with “cow” and means “summer’s end” in Irish Gaelic).
If you knew what I know about the sex lives of some of the saints, you’d be surprised. I won’t let you in on their secrets this time, however – maybe next year. So since Samhain is generally celebrated from October 31 through November 5), I can legitimately discuss it in this post.
It is said that the veil between this earth and “the other side” is the thinnest at this time. The spirits cross into our world and cause all sorts of mischief. And if you don’t know what kind of mischief to get into, then I’m afraid I can’t help you. Do you really need suggestions?
It might help your imagination to know that traditionally, Samhain is a night when the High Priestess and High Priest perform the Great Rite. In a ritual, he dips his knife into her chalice. (blush) This may be done symbolically, but it is also carried out in reality as they proceed to have sexual intercourse on the altar.
Oh my! Have you ever fantasized about having sex on an altar? I actually have had sex on an altar, but I’ll save that story for another time. So go set up an altar in the middle of a meadow somewhere and get to it!
In the Celtic lands, the whole idea of dressing up in costume during this season began as cross-dressing. Of course, in Scotland the men wore kilts anyway, so the point was moot. I’ve always loved the idea of men in skirts (and women in trousers). That will be the topic of a future blog, I’m sure. Here is my closest friend in his kilt, a handsome divil!

During Samhain, the Dark Goddess, or the Crone, descends into all women. Last week I talked about my fascination with Lilith. In some lists, She is considered one of the many Dark Goddesses. When Lilith’s spirit descends into me, she reminds me that I, too, am one of the Crones. She helps me transition from a past life into a future one. She encourages me to look inside myself for those aspects of “me” that I never would show to anyone else ordinarily.
We don’t like using the word “Crone” much because it makes us think we are “old” and look like a hag. The Crone has become the modern day “witch.” But in ancient times, it was the third aspect of the Pagan Triple Goddess, and to be a Crone was to be honored and respected for your wisdom and insight.
I may be a Crone, but I feel like I become more sexual and sensual as I grow older, and all because of Lilith, my dark and powerful Crone Goddess. She transforms me into a wise, lovely, and sexy older woman. She helps me to break out of the restrictions of my past. That’s what Samhain was always about, and we women have had that taken away from us.
What are your restrictions? What boundaries do you want to break through this next year? Find your own Dark Goddess and let Her guide you through the Dark Mysteries.
There is a lot of sex magick waiting to be performed at this time of year, so let the sexual magick begin!
I blow you a kiss ~ ~ ~ ~
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