Lilith first came to me through a Jewish friend almost twenty years ago. I had expressed some of my sexual desires to her and the problems I thought I had with relationships. Typically, I’ve been too strong for most of the men I bring into my life.
In our conversation, my friend looked at me and said, “You are Lilith.” I had no idea who she was talking about at the time, but the concept sounded erotic and exciting.
Since then, I have read everything I could about Lilith, and I share her with you as your own personal Goddess.
Some of the Jewish mystical texts say that Lilith was Adam’s first wife. According to the legend, Adam wouldn’t let Lilith be on top when they were having sex, because he felt he was superior to her. Lilith claimed that she had been created out of the earth just the same way Adam had, and that made her his equal in all things, including the sex act.
I’m not clear whether Adam kicked her out of the Garden of Eden, or if Lilith just decided to leave and go out into the world on her own. Knowing what I know about her now, I’m sure she just took off on her own. It wouldn’t be like her to have gone just because Adam told her to go.
There are many other stories that have been told about Lilith over the centuries. One says that Adam had gotten tired of coupling with the animals in his herds, so he asked God for another human with whom he could mate. Once again, Lilith wouldn’t accept Adam’s male dominance so she left.
Yet another story says that Lilith and Adam were created as twins, joined at the back. When Lilith was not given the equality she deserved, she left in anger.
Lilith has had a bad rap for thousands of years, as have most women. She represented the evil of sexuality and created great fear in men’s hearts. Any woman who could make a man feel randy, or seduce him into “immoral” acts, had to be evil.
According to some of the stories, she comes to men in their dreams, copulating with them, which makes the men have nocturnal emissions, or “wet dreams.” Naughty Lilith!
There are stories that Lilith killed babies, so new mothers placed amulets around the cribs to protect their newborns from her.
The more I read about Lilith, the more I did not believe the stories about her. On the contrary, she came to represent my own lusty character. Lilith gave me permission to be more sexually alive without shame.
Throughout my teen years, I walked the line between being a “good girl” and a “bad girl.” The “bad girl” wanted more time, but the “good girl” kept me in line. She wasn’t always successful, but I paid the price.
As I became an adult, I continued being the “good girl” on the outside, but inside, my “bad girl” was rebelling loudly. Even marriage couldn’t contain the “bad girl,” and like Lilith, I finally ran away. I began to understand the darkness in my soul that drove me to living out my “bad girl” without being disgraced.
I can’t begin to tell you everything about Lilith here. Please go to www.lilithinstitute.com and look at all the work there. I suggest that you read Liturgy for Lilith by Cosi Fabian for a beautiful ode to this incredibly sexy lady, with the free-flowing hair, big breasts, and insatiable sex drive.
If you can identify with Lilith as much as I do, there are a couple books I recommend you read to learn more. The first is Lilith's Fire by Deborah Grenn-Scot that is about Lilith only. The second book, The Dark Archetype, discusses other dark goddesses and gods, which includes Lilith. Both are fascinating to read.
Watch for Lilith to appear again next week. I’ve decided that Fanny's "bad girl" is tame compared to Lilith. Maybe I should change my name to Lilith!
I blow you a kiss ~ ~