Well, I did it! During the recent holiday season, I
decided to start my own Pinterest page. You can go to it here.
There are all sorts of “goodies” on there that some of you will
enjoy, I’m sure. For example, you’ll find several that focus on Fantasy, like “Fantasy Housing”, “Satyrs and other
mythical beings”, “Fae, Wizards, Elves”, “Wicca and other Magick”, “Woman Power
and Magick”, “Otherworldly Visions”, “Places” - and so much more.
You’ll also find my own brand of humor on the “Off-color
Fun” board. I have created a separate board for “Writing Inspiration” where I
keep ideas and images I'll use in writing some of my stories. I especially enjoy finding
inspirational quotes, and I have put those in “Words of Inspiration.”
There is one board on “Teaching Methods,” which may be why
the Pinterest team thinks some of my posts contain content they don’t allow.
They haven’t told me which ones in particular, but I have a hunch this is the
board they are referring to. Until they take them off, I’ll leave them on for
your pleasure (and mine).
There is a board on “Ancient Art,” another on “Feng Shui,”
and another on “Exotic Dancing.”
Of course, I couldn’t create a Pinterest presence without
including “Books” and “Writing Inspiration.” You might find what you enjoy most
on “Living, Loving, and Relationships.”
Take a look to see what is there, and if you wish, feel free
to “follow me,” and if you have anything you think would fit on one of my
boards, please let me know.
~I blow you a kiss~
Fanny Jane Lucette
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