An editorial in the L.A. Times this past week brought up an interesting issue. It’s “old news”, of course, so why does it keep coming up?
Some of the fuddy-duddies in this world insist on trying to protect us from whatever it is they consider “indecent.” According to the article, many uptight lawmakers consider our First Amendment to the Constitution merely “a suggestion.”
I don’t want to make this into a political forum, but just what is indecent?
A naked body of any size, form, position, or gender? Two (or more) people in the act of making love, or procreating, or playfully enjoying themselves (or maybe playing with themselves?) Learning about our bodies and how they differ from someone else’s body? Partial nudity? Classical art? Birth control?
Or is indecency handing lethal weapons to angry people? Watching bodies getting maimed in the streets? Seeing our offspring killed in the classrooms? Sending our underprivileged youth to fight an rich old man’s war?
Why am I able to turn on the TV and watch a suicide bomber, but I can’t find an X-rated movie without paying for it? Why can I be shown how to load a gun, but I can’t be shown how to put on a condom?
Does the person who came up with “abstinence only” have a problem with premature ejaculation? Or perhaps thinking about all the typical hormones that are raging among our youth is enough to make an old guy masturbate?
When was the pleasure of using a dildo taken away from us by calling it a different name? Watch this video if you want to laugh your pants off!
(Oops, I’d better not say that! It’s indecent!)
Why do people think some legislation will “protect” our innocent young? Why is it not up to parents to keep children from seeing the hard stuff (if we think it’s too naughty for them)?
Why do parents want to keep their children from having sex education in the public schools? Are they teaching it at home? How? Why are young people made to wait until they get to college to voluntarily take a course in the diversity of human sexuality?
What kind of law is it that prohibits any two or more people from having sex any way they want, regardless of position or gender or whatever?
Who decided that Tarzan and Jane shouldn’t be read by children because they were living together without benefit of marriage? And what about those apes, huh?? Do we honestly believe children are pondering the wages of sinful living when they read (and enjoy) those adventures?
Has anyone ever considered that Superman might have been a cross-dresser? What about Wonder Woman? Was she a dominatrix? Heavens!!! Keep those comics away from the children, please! They might get ideas!
The more I write this post, the more questions I have. There are too many questions with no satisfactory answers in these New Dark Ages. I think I’ll go watch the news. My government seems to think war has some sort of “decency” about it. Why isn’t peace considered decent enough for us?
It all boggles the mind, doesn’t it?
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