I’ve gotten so many questions that I decided to un-retire Fanny, at least for a while!
Those questions confirm the notion that sometimes, even the young women and men who are becoming experienced, need some answers clarified. My college students say that even since their high school years, things have changed. They wonder what the “younger generation” is up to – even if the difference in age is only a few years!
So with a little coercion, I’ve decided to come out of semi-retirement and write about some of the issues that readers would like to see addressed in coming posts. It seems to me that some of the sexual activities that everyone pretended to know nothing about have become mainstream in novels, movies, and online forums in just a few years.
One young woman, barely eighteen years old herself, was appalled at her sister (only three years younger) who thought nothing of wearing a skirt that showed as much as a skimpy bikini bottom. She said the entire skirt wasn’t more than about six inches wide, and the girl considered her older sister to be a prude.
This raised the issue of exhibitionism, and its mirror issue of voyeurism. Would you consider this fifteen-year-old in the tiny skirt to be an exhibitionist? What does that word mean anyway?
In my dated Webster’s, the first description says it is a tendency to call attention to yourself, or to show off your skills or talents. If we go with that definition, what talent or skill is this young teen showing off?
That question can keep your mind occupied for a while, can’t it?
The second description is more of what people tend to think of – that it is exposing parts of the body that we normally keep under wraps, unless we are looking for some sort of sexual encounter. I suppose the amount of exposure would depend on the girl’s stance. I don’t suppose there is any way she could bend over to put on her shoes without exposing something! Of course, panties might cover whatever is exposed.
Now, this brings up the issue of voyeurism. If this young lady bends over, is she inviting voyeurs to have a peek? And which one of the two is at fault? Is there really any “fault” to be found?
Going back to good old Webster – the voyeur is one with an exaggerated interest in taking a peek. I’ll have to admit that I enjoy getting a good look occasionally, too. But the second part of Webster’s definition is that the peek is for sexual gratification. In other words, if I don’t use the nice view to masturbate, then I’m not a voyeur, right?
I have to say that I don’t mind all the sweet young things running around half dressed these days. Eye candy for these old eyes!
And it seems to be a general style of dress, not just an isolated case of my student’s younger sister. It is an acceptable mode of dress among today’s young people. I can remember when it was a cause for alarm if a decent lady dared to show her ankles.
(Well…I’m not really that old!)
Let’s face it – sex is here to stay! There is nothing wrong with being a bit provocative, and this is 2009, after all.
I say, if you’ve got it, flaunt it – no matter how old or young you are!
I blow you a kiss ~ ~ ~ ~