Dear Friends of Fanny:
Over a week ago, I posted an article on men wearing skirts and how much I like them. I’ve received several comments, both by email and to be posted on the blog. I suggest you click and read the comments that have been posted.
I just received a comment from someone that I’m including here, rather than in the comment section. I will reserve my own comments until some of you have had a chance to respond to this.
Here is this person’s comment:
Please tell me why you have to show off the man’s backside?
For me - a man that loves skirts instead of pants - this picture puts it all in a bad light and pushes the thoughts of men in skirts as gay.
This is not an adult only site and really shouldn't show such images.
The support to men in skirts is harmed by this.
I am very interested to see what some of you other men (and women) think of this. Please send me your comments.
I blow you a kiss ~ ~ ~
Here's my reactions:
1. Showing off someone's buns is hardly "adults only," and doesn't this site say for those over 18?
2. How does showing off someone's buns come across as gay?
3. Wouldn't this actually be--statistically--more likely to be attractive to women?
4. Even if it were to be construed as "gay," how does that put men in skirts in a bad light?
5. Is gay bad?
6. Can only straight men wear skirts?
7. And, finally...where's his sense of humor?????
as a skirt & kilt wearing male, i feel i have to address this.
first off: i'm 50, hetero, married with kids. i don't try to present myself as female, but many items of "female" clothing are fun. my co-workers have no doubts as to my preferences, but i don't push anything onto anybody.
now, the photo of that guy's butt? humorous but potentially offensive. this is YOUR forum/blog/whatever, so you can put on it what you wish. i wouldn't feel any different if it was a female butt of similar age & condition. i could do without it, thank you very much.
skirts being "gay"?
when was the last time you saw a gay man in a skirt? unless they are doing "drag" (and then they are in FULL female hootchie regalia) most men won't wear a skirt. gay or straight. if anything, gay men may be even more conservative in their clothing. many will avoid anything that might "out" them INADVERTANTLY.
incidently, the flashing of one's butt is fairly common amongst kilt-wearers. going "regimental" (no underwear) is one of the points some would say is actually required of kilting. flashing becomes a humorous punctuation to some conversations or situations.
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