Who among us hasn’t had fantasies of at least one celebrity?
Years ago, in my young adult days, when everyone else had a crush on Elvis, my personal heartthrob was Harry Belefonte. Not only did I fantasize with him in mind and heart, but he actually showed up in some of my nighttime dreams. Even today, when he and I are both older (by many years), I can get turned on by him.
Believe it or not, another fantasy I had was good old Popeye! He was strong, and he could slay the dragons of any girl’s heart. And when he popped open that can of spinach, and his muscles grew, I could just imagine the testosterone that was flowing through his skinny body.
Who said cartoons were for kids??
Just for a few minutes, think about the one who has been your fantasy celebrity (or maybe more than one), and what you imagine yourself doing with that person. I’ll wait while you indulge yourself in a little decadent fantasy here.
Go put on some nice sexy music while you fantasize. Get dressed (or undressed). Have fun!
Okay, that’s long enough!
Now, let’s get back to the elections for just a couple more minutes. This is an equal opportunity blog, so we’ll consider all four of the final candidates, and you might want to even consider others who didn’t make the final cut. I have my favorites there, too.
I have a male friend who is absolutely besotted with Sarah Palin, even though he doesn’t agree with her politics. She turns him on in a big way, although to be honest, she doesn’t do a damned thing for me!
So if you are a heterosexual man reading this, you might have been fantasizing about Madam Sarah. I’m sure you aren’t the only man in the world who fantasizes about her. ‘Fess up now!
Of course, you could be a man of either persuasion and find yourself fantasizing about any of the other candidates. There is something quite sexy about all three of the final candidates. Or maybe even Sarah’s Dude? He is rather cute, huh? Or maybe the scared future son-in-law who knocked up the daughter?
But let’s stick to the Big Four for purposes of this post.
McCain has been more handsome in the past, I think. I knew about him when I spent a few years living in Arizona, and he was a hunk then. Campaigning did a number on him, and it wasn’t good. But nevertheless, I’ve heard he cuts quite a figure with the old blue rinse set in Arizona.
Frankly, I think Biden might have more potential in a fantasy scene than McCain. He has that twinkle in his eye that is very suggestive, don’t you think? He’s not nearly as old, and things might still work a bit better (especially with that little blue pill – or the little yellow one).
And then there’s the new president-elect. In a way, he reminds me of a political Harry Belafonte, especially in his more casual moments. Whether or not you agree with his politics, he’ll be much nicer to watch in the news than our Current Occupant. I like it when he smiles, and I know he’s devoted to his wife. (And isn’t SHE a hunk!?)
Well, dream on, girls and boys! There are a few of the original contestants for the highest office in our country who would make a nice fantasy lover. I suppose I’ve thought about the abilities of every single one of them in some way or another. And that’s a nice fantasy in itself. Maybe a political orgy??
No, I’m not going to tell you which one I fantasize about most! I think I’ll stick with Popeye. He’s the only one who doesn’t seem to age – and oh, what that spinach can do!
I blow you a kiss ~ ~ ~
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